Paraguayan Women Network in USA
Working together for a better future!
Sobre Nosotras
The aim of the Network of Paraguayan Women in the USA, Study Center, is to analyze and disclose, with independent, liberal and critical criteria, the ideological, political, social, cultural and economic issues that are of interest to Paraguayan Migrant Women, as well as to study, discuss and design public policies related to Paraguayan Migration, in order to help in the consolidation and development of a free and democratic Paraguayan society. In this way, its action is aimed at promoting the institutions that support and allow the existence of a constitutional and democratic order in the same society. In carrying out its purpose, the Network will be linked with other specialized organizations, universities and other public and private, national and international institutions; It will carry out and promote research and analysis of the issues that constitute its objective, and its dissemination will be specified through publications, seminars, research and studies.
The Network of Paraguayan Women in the USA was founded on October 25, 2018 in the city of Miami - Florida. The Board of Directors is made up of ten women to follow:
Margarita Sanchez
Daisy Sanabria
Olinda Piñanez
Gladys Benitez
Ana Romero
Maria Lourdes Caceres
Nancy Ojeda
Clinnia Saffi
Nathalia Lesme
Flavia Corrales.
With its name in Spanish, the Network of Paraguayan Women in the United States of America is a
Organization in Defense of Human Rights established by The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR ) is a declarative document adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in its Resolution 217 A (III), on December 10, 1948 in Paris; This includes in its 30 articles the human rights considered basic, from the letter of San Francisco (June 26, 1945).
* As an Organism the NETWORK OF PARAGUAYAN WOMEN IN USA adheres to the Universal Declaration of Emerging Human Rights (DUDHE) seeking participation as a civil society, from the Paraguayan Migration.
DUDHE is updated giving voice to national and international organizations and groups that traditionally have had little or no weight in the configuration of legal norms, such as NGOs, social movements and cities, facing the social, political and technological challenges it poses. globalization and global society and act as a complement from the point of view of participatory citizenship.
《We, citizens of the world, members of civil society committed to human rights, forming part of the universal political community, gathered on the occasion of the Universal Forum of Cultures in Barcelona 2004 and Monterrey 2007, and inspired by the values ​​of respect for the dignity of the human being, freedom, justice, equality and solidarity, and the right to an existence that allows the development of uniform standards of well-being and quality of life for all [...]》
Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Emerging Human Rights.